M.E Auctions kindly requests that you do not bid on an item if you are unable to collect on the allocated date.
If due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to make a collection day - please arrange for a friend to collect on your behalf or
Call Daniel from Pack & Send on 03 54445723 or email [email protected]
Here is a list of Independent Couriers that might be able to help you with collection of larger items.
Items must be picked up on the allocated collection days only.
Ken (Aussie Vehicle Transport) - 0466 061 764
Yogis Towing & Containers (slide tilt 9.5m / 11ton + smaller freight) - 0409 808 853
Alistair (dropdeck low loader with ramps /b-double capability) - 0429 584 222
Darryl (Fraser Transport) - 0411 780 710
Peter - Daisy Hill 7M Tilt Tray - 0497 593 777
Garry (South Gippsland Tilt Tray Service - I Move Stuff) - 0418 567 097
Frank (Tilt Tray) - 0412 419 806
Daniel – Midnight Towing & Salvage - 0459 039 772
Anthony (Farfitz Transport) - 0407 621 914
Bill - Tredstone Transport - 0417 502 737
Matt B - Car & Medium Freight - 0429 331 384
Arthur (AMR Towing) - 0419 342 133
Ben (btbutler cartage) - 0420 232 339 (cabins, huts, tractors, farm machinery, earth moving equip)
- Must pay prior to pickup - bank transfer or credit card by phone -
M.E. Auctions - The Clearing Sale Specialists Ph: 0418 509 134
If due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to make a collection day - please arrange for a friend to collect on your behalf or
Call Daniel from Pack & Send on 03 54445723 or email [email protected]
Here is a list of Independent Couriers that might be able to help you with collection of larger items.
Items must be picked up on the allocated collection days only.
Ken (Aussie Vehicle Transport) - 0466 061 764
Yogis Towing & Containers (slide tilt 9.5m / 11ton + smaller freight) - 0409 808 853
Alistair (dropdeck low loader with ramps /b-double capability) - 0429 584 222
Darryl (Fraser Transport) - 0411 780 710
Peter - Daisy Hill 7M Tilt Tray - 0497 593 777
Garry (South Gippsland Tilt Tray Service - I Move Stuff) - 0418 567 097
Frank (Tilt Tray) - 0412 419 806
Daniel – Midnight Towing & Salvage - 0459 039 772
Anthony (Farfitz Transport) - 0407 621 914
Bill - Tredstone Transport - 0417 502 737
Matt B - Car & Medium Freight - 0429 331 384
Arthur (AMR Towing) - 0419 342 133
Ben (btbutler cartage) - 0420 232 339 (cabins, huts, tractors, farm machinery, earth moving equip)
- Must pay prior to pickup - bank transfer or credit card by phone -
M.E. Auctions - The Clearing Sale Specialists Ph: 0418 509 134
PO Box 1280 KYNETON VIC 3444 |