SUNDAY 23rd APRIL 2017 at 10am (Gates open at 8.30am)
Property Sold – All to be Auctioned in one day! Bobcat, Ditch Witch, Trailers, Ride-ons, Golf cart, Containers, Boat & Trailer, Speedway Cars, UTE, Huge amount of mature plants, Quality Furniture, Workshop, Farm, Antiques & Collectables.
Bobcat CASE 1845C 4/1 bucket F/E loader digger attachment, Ditch Witch 1020 3PTL, Conashae, Log splitter, Husqvarna zero turn Ride-on mower with catcher, Speedboat & trailer, Rodeo tray UTE, Golf cart, 3 x 40’ Containers & 1 x 20’ Container, Tandem car trailer, 6x4 trailer, Small tipping trailers, 2 Speedway cars competitive & assorted spares, Chainsaw, Whipper Snipper, Grinders, Drills, Sanders, Generators, Vib plate, Jack Hammer, Benches, Shelving, Ladders, Tradesman’s workshop tools & Sundries of 40 years of building & racing Speedway & a man that could make & fix anything – Every Tool & Workshop Sundry, 3 house lots of quality furniture, Huge amount of indoor & outdoor mature plants.
Antique & Collectable Furniture – CI settings, Cannon, Garden pots & Ornaments, Gardening tools & just a lot of everything – there will be something for everyone.
LIKE us on Facebook & Subscribe to our email list for more info.
FULL CATALOGUE will be available to download from our website on Friday night before the auction.
Inspection day of sale from 8.30am ~ Payment & Removal on day of sale by cash, EFTPOS or CC (FEE 1.5%) ~ 15% BP applies to all sales ~ Refreshments available
M.E. Auctions - Clearing Sale Specialists Ph: 0418 509 134
SUNDAY 23rd APRIL 2017 at 10am (Gates open at 8.30am)
Property Sold – All to be Auctioned in one day! Bobcat, Ditch Witch, Trailers, Ride-ons, Golf cart, Containers, Boat & Trailer, Speedway Cars, UTE, Huge amount of mature plants, Quality Furniture, Workshop, Farm, Antiques & Collectables.
Bobcat CASE 1845C 4/1 bucket F/E loader digger attachment, Ditch Witch 1020 3PTL, Conashae, Log splitter, Husqvarna zero turn Ride-on mower with catcher, Speedboat & trailer, Rodeo tray UTE, Golf cart, 3 x 40’ Containers & 1 x 20’ Container, Tandem car trailer, 6x4 trailer, Small tipping trailers, 2 Speedway cars competitive & assorted spares, Chainsaw, Whipper Snipper, Grinders, Drills, Sanders, Generators, Vib plate, Jack Hammer, Benches, Shelving, Ladders, Tradesman’s workshop tools & Sundries of 40 years of building & racing Speedway & a man that could make & fix anything – Every Tool & Workshop Sundry, 3 house lots of quality furniture, Huge amount of indoor & outdoor mature plants.
Antique & Collectable Furniture – CI settings, Cannon, Garden pots & Ornaments, Gardening tools & just a lot of everything – there will be something for everyone.
LIKE us on Facebook & Subscribe to our email list for more info.
FULL CATALOGUE will be available to download from our website on Friday night before the auction.
Inspection day of sale from 8.30am ~ Payment & Removal on day of sale by cash, EFTPOS or CC (FEE 1.5%) ~ 15% BP applies to all sales ~ Refreshments available
M.E. Auctions - Clearing Sale Specialists Ph: 0418 509 134
Photos are PRELIMINARY photos only. See the FULL CATALOGUE of all items up for auction available to be downloaded from our website on the Friday before the auction - Happy Bidding!!
PO Box 1280 KYNETON VIC 3444 |